Meditation tablets

It’s not my definition, but I’m going to borrow it because I find it perfect. What does it mean?
Nowadays the word meditation is used in many contexts, here though in my opinion it highlights two key characteristics of chocolate tasting: listening and attention. Some sweets are made to be eaten quickly and abundantly. Here we are diametrically opposite. It’s not a trend or a peculiarity.
The price of this chocolate in not comparable to that from mass production. This chocolate is from small artisans that carefully process their main ingredient, cocoa. They try to enhance its natural characteristics and only add what is strictly needed. One can see it from the label. Nothing more than what can be naturally found in cocoa.

Today, a great deal of attention is placed on the selection of the raw ingredients, on the certification of their origin, however I think that for cocoa this is not yet appropriately pursued. Could we expect to drink a good Brunello for 2 euros? Nobody should expect it for any accurately selected ingredient.

I’ll be honest, I wandered with my thoughts.
It’s time to come back to the point. Why is this chocolate for “meditation”? Because it needs to be slowly tasted, not quickly ingested, or chewed. Because the tasting experience needs to address all senses, let the aromas expand, follow one another in the mouth. It calls for time, patience, and care.
Exactly as the definition of tasting. The act of tasting, savoring: savoring local wines, savoring precious tobacco (or tobacco smoke). Technically, the analysis of the organoleptic characteristics of wine, oil, coffee, etc., done to determine the commercial value.
I wouldn’t necessarily focus on the commercial value, rather on the character, flavors, aromas, scents. Sommeliers know it, as well as those, in China or Japan, who study liquors from the new tea harvest. Each product contains the scents of the season, of the soil, of the care placed in raising it, of time. Cocoa is no different, it’s rich of the same diversity. Feeling and appreciating them requires time, dedication, passion, care, and respect. Doesn’t meditation, when consciously undertaken, even for 5 minutes, require much the same?